Construction All Risks Insurance (CAR)

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Construction is a complex and risky process and exposes management to many risks that can unexpectedly cause delays and costly project liabilities, significantly reducing profits. It is not always easy to identify the exact cause or the parties responsible in case of damage, which often leads to lengthy and costly legal proceedings. If the building is not yet finished, the situation is often made even more difficult because the site is not progressing and there are additional costs. Construction All Risk Insurance (CAR) is necessary to prevent interruptions and delays in your construction projects.


Damage or loss to construction materials and engineering projects under construction, such as:

  • Houses and residential buildings
  • Non-residential facilities (offices, hospitals, theaters and other social-cultural facilities)
  • Factories, power plants (TECs and H/Cs)
  • Roads, railways, airports
  • Bridges, dams, tunnels
  • Irrigation systems, drainage systems
  • Canals, ports, etc.

Damage or Loss of Health and Property to Third Parties


We cover damages and losses caused by:

  • Flooding
  • Damage to the construction of temporary tunnels and galleries
  • Damage to underground cables and/or pipes
  • Damage to construction machinery and equipment
  • Damage to building materials
  • Protective measures for precipitation and floods
  • Movement of debris from landslides
  • Damage to fire protection equipment
  • Laying of water pipes, etc.

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