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Burglary & Theft Insurance

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  • Burglary & Theft Insurance
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Risks like theft and burglary can happen when you least expect it. It is worrying to think about the possibility of a burglary in your home or business. Such cases have become quite common these days. Whether you own or rent, if you have appliances, furniture, artwork and other valuables, a Theft & Burglary Insurance Policy serves as your financial savior in the event of such incidents.


To protect yourself from any act of theft, or attempts that result in their damage, you can secure all items or objects of value as follows:

  • Appliances and household items
  • Office equipment
  • Machinery and technological equipment
  • Goods
  • Valuable objects
  • Valuable items
  • Securities

This insurance covers the loss, damage or destruction of the insured objects resulting from theft, burglary, or attempted acts.

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